There was a time in my life when I surrounded myself with books, devouring page after page until I had absorbed the story from start to finish. I really don’t read enough these days and as much as I want to say that I have a good reason for it, the truth is that I don’t. In the last year I’ve read only one book and though it was a superb book it didn’t fully suppress my appetite.
Today while I was at the shops picking up some art supplies (i.e. crayons) for one of my assignments, I browsed through the fiction section on my way to the tills. I love a good book cover and browsing the spines was like being a kid in a candy shop and not knowing what to buy. It turns out I’m super picky when it comes to books. I don’t want to pick the wrong book and feel guilty if I don’t want to read it, so I took a decent amount of time before settling on one that felt right. I was looking for something that would give me inspiration for my stories and was near my kind of writing style. The book I ended up buying is Neil Gaiman’s The Ocean at the End of the Lane. I started reading it this afternoon and I’m already on the fifth chapter, so I’d say it’s going well!
Sometimes I forget to stimulate my brain with things that aren’t digital and that’s one of the many reasons I really ought to read more books. Plus I bet it’ll be super helpful to read stuff that I find inspiring because then it could influence/improve my writing! I do love a good spooky/thriller book but I’m not too keen on the sappy tween love stuff or the super murdery adult fiction that I saw a lot of on the book shelves. I’m looking for books that are all about friendship and going against all odds, you know? Hopefully I can google that and find more books to read, haha!