We’re back home and the cats are loving it. As soon as we walked up to the house we could see Ichabod waiting for us at the door and Margot watching from the living room window sill. To be honest, I think I missed the cats as much as they missed us! This morning I kept waking up expecting to hear the sound of little bells jingling and the pitter-patter of paws on the floor. I think it’s safe to say that the cats have conditioned me to wake up early, haha.
The weather today was so nice and sunny! It really feels like Spring is here and I am ready for it. We spent a little over a half an hour pulling up paving slabs in the front garden and it didn’t feel like too much work, either. I find that setting a timer for tasks can help keep me focused on them without feeling like I need to fully complete whatever project I’m doing. Alex dug up a few of the tree saplings that have seeded themselves between the pavers and it was crazy to see how long and the roots were. Since our front garden has these “crazy pavers” everywhere, the roots can only go straight down so far and then they start growing from an angle, making them difficult to pull out. Honestly, there are still several little saplings growing out there amongst the crocosmia but I think we’ll need to work on digging those up another day.
The front garden might still be a potential DIY for this year, although I’m very aware that any remaining money that would go towards home improvement projects has been drastically reduced. I’m hoping that at the least we can pull up all of the pavers and then try and rake out the soil and attempt to level it, but we’ll see. I’ve still got to take a look at the price of mulch to see if the whole project is actually feasible.
This upcoming week I’m hoping to get to the studio and test a few new fragrances, and on Friday I’m going back to dance class. I also want to work on the pickets/hand fans for the concert so that I can cross those off my list but I think I’ll need to order more black vinyl first. The concert is in less than three weeks so the sooner I can finish those, the better.