Wow, it finally feels like Summer is here! It was pretty hot and sunny today with almost zero wind and the cats really felt it. We brought out the cooling mat for them and they took turns laying on it out in the catio. Luckily our catio is north-facing so apart from direct sunshine in the morning it’s mostly in shade. I’m so glad we invested in a catio because now we can have the patio doors open on hot days like today!! I feel like in previous years we would have already brought the fans out and had them on full blast, but not just yet!
Anyway, I had a thought last night while I was trying to fall asleep. Basically I suddenly felt like I needed to structure my days a lot more. Now that I’ve got so many more commitments and things I want to do during the day, it kind of makes sense to schedule some of that stuff. Normally when I wake up around ten in the morning I’ll lounge in bed for a couple of hours watching youtube videos or checking up on the groupchat, etc. Today I actually got up and out of bed within about thirty minutes which is pretty good for my standards.
Having that “me time” in the morning is really important, though, but the difference was that I had that time out in the garden and downstairs instead of up in the bedroom. I drank my coffee and pottered around a bit while I woke up and once I felt like I’d done that I was able to start my work for the day. And I did a lot! I recorded a voiceover and added captions to a reel that’ll go up on Friday, and even my social media manager was super proud of me! It felt good to get that out of the way because afterwards I was able to chill and do whatever I wanted.
Tomorrow’s going to be a studio day so I’m interested to see how much I can get done while I’m there. I have a few things I need to film so fingers crossed that goes well!