As far as chill weekends go, this one has been pretty good. I was just looking at my calendar and it looks like the next two weeks are going to be pretty busy so I’m glad I got the chance to rest and recharge my social batteries at home! Tomorrow I’m not even sure what I’ll get up to yet but I do know that I’ve got a list of content I need to jump on ASAP.
We’ve been watching the new season of The Umbrella Academy and enjoying every bit of it so far! We’re trying not to bingewatch the whole thing in one go even though it’s super tempting, but I’m mostly hoping that limiting it to one episode a day will make it last longer. I was saying to Alex the other day that out of all of the shows that have recently come back for a new season after the pandemic, The Umbrella Academy is the only one that I’ve actually been enjoying. We tried watching the new season of The Boys and Barry but after one episode I just wasn’t feeling it.
Recently we also finished watching a new series called The White Lotus and although it had a slow start I really grew to enjoy the dark comedy vibe! Also when we began watching it we had just finished Yellowjackets and were in the midst of The Wilds, two survival shows, the latter of which is set on a deserted island. The White Lotus was a nice transition back to civilisation, I guess!
Anyway, not much has happened today except lots of video gaming and watching TV shows. Really using this Sunday to the fullest!