It’s finally September and I’m so ready for Autumn to begin! Of course Autumn doesn’t actually begin until later this month, but the start of September is pretty much the unofficial beginning anyway.
I was so tired this morning that I had a difficult time getting out of bed. When I eventually did, I spent a few minutes raking dead geraniums to make way for the changing seasons. Raking wasn’t the most efficient way to clear them away so I didn’t get very far, but luckily Alex picked up my slack when he cut the grass.
My main focus today has been finishing making jesmonite pots with the rest of the jesmonite I’ve got. This weekend I have plans to go to the studio to make a ton of Spiced Pumpkin candles, and while I’m there I’m also planning on pouring candles in some of the jesmonite pots so I can test the sealer.
I made five pots today: yellow, orange, blue, purple, and a black pot with multi coloured jesmonite chips to create a terrazzo effect. The black pot is by far the coolest, especially after Alex spent a little time hand-sanding the pot to expose the multi coloured chips. I don’t think I’ve quite mastered how to make a terrazzo pot just yet, but it’s been good practice.
In between making pots, I also finished spraying the medium mushroom with foam and went on to spray the last large mushroom. I almost finished the large mushroom but I ran out of foam so I’ll need to buy more before I can continue with that, but it’s good to know I’m nearly done with this step!
Anyway, that’s all I have for today. See you tomorrow!