I may or may not have had a little cry this evening. It was the culmination of stress, being sick, and feeling very stuck that got to me, I suppose. I hadn’t cried from sheer stress in ages but I think it was good for me to get some things off my chest even though I don’t feel like I solved any of my problems. I’m super stressed about a lot of things at the moment and beginning to worry that I’ll let myself (and others) down if I can’t pull through. But I’ve got to forgive myself because I am doing as much as I can do in my current state.
Speaking of which, I hate the feeling that my best isn’t good enough! I spent the entire day working on assignments for my interior design course and I still don’t think I’m completely done with any of them. I find it so annoying to know that this would have been so much easier if I weren’t ill.
Anyway, right now I’m jamming to “Nobody’s Perfect” by Hannah Montana and I have to say that it is definitely helping me feel less crummy about my situation, haha. My best tip to get out of a slump is to listen to Jump5 radio on Pandora because there will always be a song you forgot you used to love just waiting to be played.
I hope I can get all of my assignments done by Sunday at the latest. Ideally I would get them all done by Friday because I desperately want to do a bit of shopping over the weekend. I’m itching to get a couple new shirts or something! But I suppose I’ll just have to keep pushing on through the week. I have to say I’m really proud of myself for going to the gym on my usual days despite feeling like crap. I haven’t been going as hard as I normally would but I still feel good for getting my heart rate up and sweatin’ it out at least a little bit.