All I Can Think About Lately

Been thinking about tonsillectomies a lot lately. It’s so weird to think that I probably should have had my tonsils out when I was a lot younger and that I’m only coming to this realization at the age of twenty-four. There are tons of websites and forums out there dedicated to adults sharing their experiences recovering from tonsillectomies and they’ve been both helpful and harrowing in my research. I also find it odd that so many people keep trying to tell me not to get a tonsillectomy or share horror stories with me in an attempt to dissuade me from the operation, but each time I come back to the fact that I would rather go through the agonizing recovery process if it means I won’t get sick every time the wind changes direction.

Ideally, I would schedule the tonsillectomy in late July or early August. All of the stuff I’ve read online says the recovery period definitely takes up at least two weeks or more. Even though I would much rather get my tonsils out sooner rather later, I don’t want to have to cancel plans in May and July so that I can lay in bed for a few weeks trying to keep my pain meds balanced! Another thing to consider is whether or not I’ll even be conscious enough to post to my photo journal. My husband suggested I take some photos beforehand and queue them up just incase I absolutely can’t do anything, but I don’t know how I feel about that. I was also thinking it could be interesting to write about my recovery process? Another option would be to post parts of the novel I wrote during NaNoWriMo last year.

Really, I don’t even know if I’m getting a tonsillectomy at all. I feel like it’s the only thing that’s going to decrease my chances of getting sick every six weeks, but it’s still undecided. All I know is that I’m tired of combatting colds. I feel like I’m a sponge for illness and I just hate it so much. I’m still struggling to operate at full capacity with my assignments and I’m worried this illness will stick around longer than it should. Next week is my husband’s birthday and the day after my assignments are due for my course so I have very little time to waste.

day 95 all i can think about lately
