It’s been 100 days since I began this photo journal! In honor of day 100, here are 100 facts about me you may (or may not) already know!
- I have dyed my hair every color of the rainbow
- My first cat was named Mama Kitty
- I was born in New Orleans but grew up in St. James City located on Pine Island in Southwest Florida
- I haven’t broken any bones (yet???)
- I have two brothers (I’m the middle child)
- I have three tattoos
- I have a BA in Film with a minor in French
- Still haven’t been West of the Mississippi
- Only recently saw snow for the first time
- I don’t want to have children
- I’ve lived in England for over a year
- Told my 3rd grade class I wanted to be a model because the popular girls said they’d say it too (they didn’t)
- Used to be a frequent listener/prize winner on Radio Disney
- My first concert was Hilary Duff
- I can’t read music
- I’ve learned clarinet, piano, and guitar but I can’t actually play any of them
- Last year I went to a Wes Anderson movie marathon
- I have (and still wear) a pair of shorts that I got for gym in middle school
- My favorite color is probably mustard yellow
- I refuse to eat kale
- Broccoli and potatoes are my go-to foods
- I pick up skills very quickly
- I get bored very easily
- I make candles
- Used to be a cheerleader
- Used to be a gymnast
- Used to be in color guard
- Used to be in Model UN
- Used to be in drama
- Was the plant in Little Shop of Horrors (like, the physical plant)
- I have a gap in my two front teeth
- Used to be deathly scared of spiders but now I have learned to kill them efficiently without crying
- I love scary movies
- I’m not a fan of country music
- I shoot all my photos with a Nikon
- Used to develop and print photos in a darkroom
- I look just like my mom but with my dad’s coloring
- Participated in and won NaNoWriMo in 2015
- Used to roleplay in Harry Potter chatrooms on Yahoo messenger haha
- Used to be in chorus
- Was in a girl group called The Spark Girls
- I always sing around the house
- I don’t enjoy musicals but I do appreciate the production that goes into them
- I toss and turn in my sleep
- I’m a light sleeper and will wake up the instant I hear my cat sound like she’s going to vomit
- I’m very lazy
- But I’m also very determined
- I’m too hard on myself
- But I’m incredibly ambitious and hold myself to a high standard
- I think it’s important to support cruelty-free brands
- I used to get anxious a lot more than I do now
- My hair is curly
- I’m not very good at using video game controllers with joysticks
- I have freckles
- I have vivid dreams
- I’m a libra
- I don’t have an opinion on ghosts
- My back always hurts
- I can be very bossy
- I once had a dollhouse that I filled with millipedes and was surprised when they died
- When I couldn’t sleep when I was younger I would go under my bed and hang out
- I used to dream about Harry Potter a lot when I was younger
- In 5th grade I was a part of the ‘mulch crew’ and got out of class for a few hours every week to shovel mulch around the school
- I graduated high school with a 4.0 GPA but it still means nothing as an adult haha
- I have no desire to attend my high school reunion
- I hated my wedding dress
- Pizza is probably my favorite indulgent thing to order
- I have a maaaajor sweet tooth
- Sometimes I miss LiveJournal
- I kind of hate YouTube culture
- I don’t read as much as I should
- My brain is always going a mile a minute
- I’m not super great at drawing
- I parted my hair down the middle up until high school and realized I looked way better with a side part
- I used to sneak out of my house and run around the neighborhood with my friends on school nights
- I had a huge collection of J-14, Bop, and Tiger Beat magazines
- Won an art scholarship for my photography in my senior year of high school
- Used to have a rad pair of fuchsia acid wash skinny jeans in junior year of high school but then I lost them
- Used to own DDR and could play on Extreme
- Used to shop in thrift stores during the summer because there was literally nothing else to do
- I could watch Gossip Girl on repeat and never ever get bored
- I don’t know my UK phone number haha
- Once made a burn book and got in trouble for it
- Have never fought anyone but have been hit a few times by kids (would not recommend)
- Once slapped my bff in the face (we were 10 and she was being mean)
- Sang/marched in the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade back in 2003
- Used to be able to lie confidently and with ease just because it was funny
- Can’t wrap my brain around the kombucha craze
- I hate The Big Bang Theory
- My first car was a Mercedez and it couldn’t go in reverse, didn’t have A/C, and only the front windows rolled down
- Traveled to Atlanta from Orlando to see Fun. back in 2009
- I have terrible toes
- I love to swim
- Never seen a Bond film
- Went to Christian summer camp… Twice (because the camp activities were super fun and I’m competitive)
- Used to have a stuffed pig named Babe
- Thought Chitty Chitty Bang Bang was filmed in the Victorian era
- Can devour a kilogram of grapes in one sitting
- Used to take 10 teaspoons of sugar in a cup of coffee
- Just trying to fake it til I make it, you know?
Phew! That was difficult, but fun! If you made it to the end and read all of them, tell me which fact was your least favorite in the comments. Or don’t! Happy Day 100! See you tomorrow!