Daunting Drawings

It’s been an entire week since I finished taking notes for the fourth module of my interior design course but I finally have all of the tools needed to begin the assignments. Well, I’m pretty sure I have all of the tools I need so hopefully I didn’t miss anything. I’ll admit I’m a little nervous about these assignments and it’s one hundred percent down to the fact that I’ve never done a technical drawing in my life! I’ve looked at so many floor plans but I’ve never actually drawn one myself. I had always imagined floor plans were crafted by skilled architects with incredible precision so it feels a little bit daunting knowing that it’s something I’m going to have to do, too. At least I have until next Friday to submit my assignments, but if you know me at all then you can probably tell that I’m itching to turn them in as soon as possible (which is entirely true).

So tomorrow I’m going to wake up early to ensure I have the whole day to figure out where my strengths and weaknesses lie with technical drawings. Sounds like your average Tuesday, right? Wish me luck.

On another note, I believe I mentioned how my husband and I will most likely need to buy a new fan for Summer and let me tell you: waking up in a pool of sweat this morning has made that fact even clearer to me. Incase you aren’t aware, the sun rises around 5:30AM in England at the moment and shines directly on our bedroom until about noon each day. Our flat basically bakes in the morning sun and retains all of that heat until around 11PM. It’s pretty annoying when we’re limited to one very small window and a pair of old patio doors that we don’t like to open unless we’re willing to fight away spiders. So this weekend it’s looking like we’re going to go into town and check out some of the Dyson fans to determine which size we will likely end up getting in the near future. Until then I’m just going to have to wake up early and throw all of the windows wide open until the sun goes down in the evening.

day 130 daunting drawings