Ah, the weekend. Waking up late is one of my favorite weekend activities, and it’s easiest when we have nothing planned. Lucky for me, that’s exactly what we did today. The weather has been consistently grey the last few days, which is a bit of a bummer but at least it means cooler weather in exchange for sunny days. Yesterday I tried on all of my coats and jackets, hoping to get psyched about autumn and winter, but instead I came to the realization that they’re all too big for me. It’s kind of a bummer considering the fact I love my green winter coat with the faux fur hood! But I guess it’s time to move on and find a new coat.
My skin has been really awful over the last week or so and you better believe I’m chalking it all up to my hormones. Plus my hair has been really unruly lately, too, so I’m suspecting my hormones are to blame for that as well. I’m not going to let that stuff get me down since it’s all temporary and fixable, but it still sucks to have to deal with it all. I’ve been doing my makeup a little more the last few days just to help boost my mood and it’s actually quite therapeutic. I really enjoy taking the time to appreciate different aspects of my face, you know? It’s an easy way to give myself some attention when I need it most.
So, today’s been very chilled out. I finished one of the assignments for my last interior design module, which means I’ve only got four more to go. After I got that over with I pretty much buried myself deep into The Sims 4 trying to get my household tons of money and satisfaction points. I literally only just stopped playing so I could put up my journal entry for today! Sims is such a great way to zone out and do tedious stuff without getting too stressed, and that’s exactly what I need sometimes.
Anyway, I think that about sums up my day. I’ve really just been taking it easy and relaxing! I hope tomorrow is just as relaxed. See you later!