Today was better than the rest I’ve had this week, although that’s not saying much. I don’t know if I’m stressing myself out with all of my daily projects this month, or if I should blame my ever-changing mood on my hormones but it’s getting to the point where I need to address the situation and find a solution. I’m probably stressing myself out about money and being a good host for our party next weekend. I just don’t know how to take a chill pill and relax, you know?
I think I need a break. It could be good for me to disconnect from some of the stuff that’s bothering me but I don’t think I know how to remove myself enough to feel relaxed and refreshed. Honestly I could use a holiday. Maybe some time to enjoy the outdoors and some tasty food would leave me feeling inspired and teeming with new ideas. I wish it were that simple. It would be so nice to be whisked away to a cosy seaside town for a few weeks of blistery walks on the beach followed by fireside chats and reading books in comfy armchairs. I’m aware NaNoWriMo is coming up in a little less than two weeks now, so I wonder how I’ll handle writing almost 2,000 words a day on top of keeping up with this photo journal.
I feelĀ a strong urge to do something impulsive right now, but something is telling me that right now is not the best time to book a trip. It’s times like these I wish I was filthy, stinkin’ rich. Wouldn’t it be great if money was less of an obstacle for these sorts of things? I could really use some time off, after all!
Anyway, I’m feeling restless for, I don’t know, adventure? I need a change of scenery. Make sure to check out VEDO #19 below and I’ll see you tomorrow!