Remember, remember the fifth of November… Happy Bonfire Night! Or, if you’re me, Happy Loud-Noises-and-Freezing-Extremities Night! Not to sound like a total party-pooper, but I’ve never really seen the point of fireworks. They’re terrible for the environment and they can be extremely dangerous, and yet humans still go mad for loud noises and fire.
Let’s backtrack a little bit to this morning, shall we? If you recall, we were in Brighton for a two night hotel stay in the hopes of relaxing and exploring a new city. This morning we woke up early and checked out of our room earlier than we had planned, mostly because we were sick of sticking around and hoping to have a good time. As I wrote yesterday, I’m not ready to completely write off Brighton, and while this trip was incredibly disappointing I am going to do my best to wipe it from my memory.
With that being said, it was so nice to come home after our mini vacation. I missed having cold, filtered water at the ready, and obviously the cats are great, too. I’m still recovering from a cold, though, so I’m not having theĀ best time in general. I bailed on going to the Brockham bonfire tonight but at the last minute we decided to get bundled up and drive to the top of Box Hill to see some fireworks, but that ended up being a terrible decision.
Going up Box Hill is treacherous enough during the day, but it is one hundred percent more miserable when there’s an event going on. Bonfire night was no exception, obviously. The traffic going up the hill was crazy, and then we stood out in the freezing cold for thirty minutes with very little reward, only to pile back in the car and defrost our toes. Oh, and then it took us at least forty-five minutes to get down the other side of the hill. There were times when we were completely closed in by other cars and had to turn the car off to save fuel.
Honestly I’m just so glad to be home after that, and I’m very thankful to have feeling in my toes again.