This week feels like it’s been both really slow and really fast, you know? Part of why I feel that way is because I feel like I haven’t done much, and then I actually go through each of the days and say “Oh yeah, I did do stuff!” and suddenly it’s about to be Friday.
I haven’t managed to go to the studio yet this week because I’ve been waiting on deliveries for things I need. This weekend I’ll go over on Saturday and probably Sunday so I can get a bunch of stuff done, so it’s no problem. Plus I kind of prefer going on the weekend because there aren’t many people around the grounds and I can get a little anxious about that sort of thing.
One of the things I’m going to attempt this weekend is mould-making. I don’t think I’ve ever made a mould of anything before, or at least I don’t remember doing so, and I’m excited to give it a shot! I ordered some liquid silicone and liquid catalyst, as well as mould release spray. The goal is to make a candle mould, but I’ll be happy enough if I can successfully cast something at all!
By the way, I wanted to give a little update on the new roomba and say that I love my new robot pal. Our living room rug is so clean and honestly I’m shocked because I didn’t have to do anything!! We’re still working on some of the kinks with getting the roomba to cover all of the areas in the dining room (which is extremely cluttered) but I’ve managed to get a nice path around the entryway, kitchen, and most of the living room!
Tomorrow I’ve got dance class in-person and I’m really looking forward to seeing my dance class pals. I took all of January off to be extra COVID-safe so I’m well overdue for it!! Just need to make sure I stretch really well beforehand!!