You know how I bought a new 18-55mm lens last month? Well what if I told you I already had one and didn’t realise until today when I was cleaning in the office? Yep. I can’t believe I forgot that I already had one!!! I feel quite foolish and now I wish I had gotten the 35mm lens instead. Oh well!
I’ve been waiting on deliveries at home so I spent my time watering the plants and finally clearing stuff off the desk in the office so that I can do some art. One of my sister-in-laws got me a super cute paint-by-numbers a few years ago and I’ve finally started painting it. I don’t think I’ve ever done one of these before so it’s totally new to me, but I’m enjoying being able to zone out and not think about the big picture too much. It’s good for when you want to paint but you don’t want to come up with a concept!
Before I went up to the office to paint I went out into the garden and did a little patrol to see how things are looking. I was delighted to see some little spring flowers popping up in the flower box at the far end of the garden, and I also noticed all of my tulip bulbs have leaves. I’m crossing my fingers that we get a week of good weather soon so I can go out back and pull weeds while Alex cuts the grass!