I know I talk a lot about my sleep habits on here, but it’s something really important to me! Last night I feel like I got a decent night of sleep with minimal disturbances from the cats or birds or anything like that. I’ve already started reading the next book in Stephen King’s The Dark Tower series which is keeping my mind occupied just enough before bed to help me get sleepy.
I got an email from my landlords at my studio to say that the water for the whole area is out at the moment! I think the storms we had over the weekend caused a lot of havoc over there so hopefully the water company gets it sorted soon. Normally I would say I’m planning on heading to the studio over the weekend but without running water there isn’t much point in traveling over there just to do admin. So it’s looking like it’ll be a weekend at home, not that I’m complaining.
A good amount of my time today was spent thinking about potential outfits if we do end up going to Las Vegas to see BTS in April. I’ve got a really colourful wardrobe, but I don’t know if I have an outfit that is “upscale” enough for a night out in Vegas. I’m envisioning sequins, some sort of sensible heel, and maybe a blazer. My feet are totally not cut out for stilettos and honestly I don’t know if I could make it through a whole night out with a heel that isn’t part of a boot! I’ve been looking on ASOS at what sort of options are out there for clothes and footwear that I like, but it’s too soon to actually buy anything just yet. It’s crazy to think that by this time next week we’ll know whether or not we’re going to Vegas!! I’m really hopeful that we get tickets!
Anyway, that’s all I’ve got for today. See you tomorrow!