The sun has been hanging around a bit more these days and it’s hard to ignore its impact. The roundabouts in our town are beginning to turn yellow from all of the daffodils raising their friendly faces after a long winter. I’m looking forward to longer days, warmer weather, and the better baseline mood I tend to find myself in through the majority of Spring and Summertime.
Since the sun was out, I asked Alex to trim the grass and he kindly obliged. When he took a break to let the strimmer battery recharge we sat in the garden and had a cup of tea. It’s still just a little bit too chilly to spend the day with the windows open, but the sunshine made up for it all the same.
In other news, I’ve made plans with a couple of my pals from dance class! We’re meeting up to go for dinner Monday evening and I’m really looking forward to it. It’s not very often that I go to dinner without Alex, either! It’ll be a new experience for me, that’s for sure!
Anyway, that’s all I’ve got for today. I’m writing today’s journal entry early so I can get back to relaxing. See you tomorrow!