Getting Crafty

Last night I spent a good chunk of time reading before going to bed. Luckily the book I’m reading at the moment (I’m on Steven King’s The Dark Tower series) has just gotten to a really juicy part so it’s not difficult for me to want to read. Plus, as I’ve discovered recently, it really helps me get to sleep easier than just scrolling endlessly on my phone all night.

Today’s been a bit of a crafting day. I spent the afternoon in the office tinkering around with my Cricut Maker and coming up with designs for pickets (aka hand fans) for the BTS concert next month. I think I’ve decided on the size and style I’m going for, but now the conundrum is what exactly I want to put on each one! I’m thinking a simple message is probably best, but I might even just go for an emoji for some of them. Either way, I’m a little limited with what I can do at home because our home printer is pretty garbage when it comes to colour printing. I think what I’ll need to do is bring my printer home from the studio in order to get the pickets done!

Another crafty thing I did today was give myself a gel manicure for the first time. I semi-spontaneously bought a set of gel nail polish, base and top coats, and a UV lamp off amazon (this was before I checked my bank account yesterday) so today I thought I’d give it a go. The results are pretty good and my nails look alright. I think I’ll need to do them more to get the hang of the actual process, but for a first try I’m pleased with what I’ve got. I was thinking it would be nice to do my nails for Vegas next month, but since I use my hands so often painting my nails never seems to last. Gel nails are apparently supposed to last way longer though, so fingers crossed these hold up well enough! I’m definitely going to redo them before the trip, though, just to be sure.

Anyway, I’m still feeling pretty tense although I would say I’m a lot less grumpy than I was yesterday. We’re supposed to go to Brighton on Friday to see a show and I think it’ll be fun but I’m also still worried about money. Hmm. My heart says we should go, but my anxiety and stress tell me it’s not the frugal choice. I guess we’ll see.