I’ve been procrastinating today’s journal entry because I feel like I don’t have anything substantial to write about. The job listing has been doing well and I’ve had thirty applicants so far, so that’s good news. Next week I have a bunch of interviews lined up and hopefully choosing someone won’t be too difficult. It’s odd being on the other side of the interview process.
Tomorrow I’m going back to dance class and I’m really looking forward to it. It feels like it’s been ages since I last went, even though it’s only been a couple of weeks. I could definitely use the exercise and the endorphins, that’s for sure!
As for the weekend, Saturday will be a studio day so I can make some new candles. I think I’ll also drag Alex along with me for moral support because I know I need it. Sunday is Mother’s Day in the UK and we’re heading to the in-laws to celebrate so that’s another thing to look forward to! Definitely feeling like I need family time at the moment.
Anyway, like I said I don’t have much to write about today. See you tomorrow.