So Much for the Cones

I made it to the studio today, finally. Alex kindly offered to join me even though he had meetings in the afternoon, but sometimes you just really need a work buddy, you know?

We drove over to the studio and stopped at the garden centre quickly beforehand to see if they had something we were looking for. Empty handed, we hopped back in the car and finished our journey to the studio.

Last week I asked my landlord if I could borrow some cones to leave in my parking space while I’m not there because I keep having issues with people parking in my spot. We pulled in to the business park and immediately noticed that there were tons of parents there to pick up their toddlers from the nursery. I thought surely my spot would be empty! There were cones!! We drove further and to my surprise there was someone parked halfway in my spot. The cones looked like they had been scooted over to the side of the spot, allowing cars to straddle my spot and another. I was just furious. Luckily I had Alex with me so he was able to handle the situation just as the owner of the vehicle was walking away from their car. The parking lot was so crammed that I ended up rolling back into the car wheel cover of another car while trying to make space for the other car to leave my spot. I was flustered and could have burst into tears.

Drama aside, we did what we needed to do at the studio and then we packed up and headed back around four in the afternoon.

Anyway, I’m hoping that the cones don’t get moved again. I’m like seriously about to lose my shit about this parking space drama. Parents really think they can do whatever they want when it comes to picking up their children!!!

I didn’t take many photos today, but Alex did. I’ll put them in a little gallery after my sheep photos so his photos can be appreciated all together. See you tomorrow.