Content warning: weightloss
For a Monday, today’s been pretty good. I went to my doctor appointment to have my ~weigh in~ and was expecting it to be worse than it was. I weighed myself before the appointment and was disappointed to see I’d gone back up to 241lbs but at the weigh in I had only gone up 0.7kg since the last weigh in. So even though I didn’t technically make any progress since the last weigh in I don’t feel as bad as I thought I would.
After that was done and dusted I nipped back home and got stuck in on some work. My sister-in-law and her husband recommended a website for organising stuff for social media content so I’ve been trying that out and getting to grips with it to see if it’s going to be useful for my business. So far it seems pretty good! I played around with that for a bit and then made my way through my to-do list.
It’s been so warm today! In the living room it got up to 26.8C while the outside temperature got up to 30C. Alex helped me water the front garden and then I spent a few minutes spraying the hose over the back garden from the comfort of the shade. It’s only supposed to get hotter this week and next week so it should be interesting to see how we cope! We’ve been staying cool with iced drinks, damp tea towels wrapped around our necks, and I’ve been keeping the fan on steadily throughout the day. I haven’t needed to use the damp tea towel trick at bed time yet but I wouldn’t be surprised if I needed to soon!
Anyway, that’s it for today. See you tomorrow!