Today we drove over to the studio to empty the dehumidifiers and take stock. It’d been a little while since I was last over there and I wasn’t very surprised to see that all three of the dehumidifiers were full! I’m really glad I don’t have to make candles or anything this week since there’s a heatwave coming. Luckily the temperature inside of the studio was eight degrees cooler than it was outside! After we finished up in the studio we watched the sheep and the little lambs in the pasture nearby. It was really cute seeing all of the sheep lazing about in the shade, and I got a kick out of watching the little lambs’ tails wiggle happily while they got a drink of milk! I would love to be friends with some sheep. Actually, I just want to be friends with as many animals as I can!
Anyway, after that we went back home and I did a little bit of preparation for the heatwave we’re going to have tomorrow and Tuesday. We bought two big bottles of Lucozade and split it between a few empty water bottles, which are now laying on their sides in the freezer so we can top them up with water tomorrow to help us stay hydrated. I also cleaned one of our extra fans and brought some more down from the attic, so hopefully we’ll be able to keep the air circulating well enough downstairs and upstairs!
Tomorrow I’ve got a few things I need to work on but I’m also planning on hooking up the hose and attempting to keep cool. I think we’re fairly prepared so it’ll be interesting to see how it goes. We had some extra lettuce and fruit that we were going to put in the compost bin but instead I put it all on a plate and set it down in the back garden. I hope the foxes or a hedgehog stop by to have a snack tonight or in the morning! Fingers crossed we find an empty plate tomorrow.