Today’s been a pretty good day! It was the penultimate dance practice before my dance team’s performance at Pride this weekend. We all styled our hair the way we’re going to wear it on the day of the performance and I chose to go for a slicked back high pony tail with curls. I even put on a bit of makeup to see if it would melt off of my face but I’m really happy to report that it didn’t even budge. Practice was great; we ran through the routine a few times and broke down each section so we could clean it a bit and then went over it again a few more times. Right before the last run through I downed an “isotonic energy gel” sachet to give me a bit more energy and it worked extremely quickly! I had it a few minutes before we started and it kicked in pretty much straight away. I’m still buzzing now, to be honest. I’ll probably have one before we perform on Sunday to make sure I’ve got enough energy for the performance but I’m glad I tried it tonight to see what it’s like. After practice I’m usually exhausted and can barely form a coherent sentence but tonight I could talk for hours!
Anyway, for dinner Alex treated me to a lovely homemade pesto pasta with focaccia and aubergine discs that he baked in pesto. It really hit the spot, so I had to document it.
Tomorrow I’ve got practice early in the day so fingers crossed I get enough sleep tonight. After practice Alex and I are going to pop over to Pride so I can get a lay of the land and also just see what’s up. Should be fun!