Since yesterday was so jam-packed with socialising and activities, I guess it makes sense that I’ve been in recovery mode today. Performing at Pride was such an adrenaline rush, too! I just watched the video back and it’s awesome to see how great our performance turned out. Of course there were parts I think we could all nitpick, but you can’t deny our energy and attitude was off the charts. I feel really proud of everyone! And I feel proud of myself, too! Like, it only just sort of sunk in that I’ve only been going to dance classes since last year but it’s made a massive positive impact in my confidence and my social life. Since moving to the UK I’ve found it difficult to find local friends, so I feel super lucky to have found a group of people who are so cool and funny and who also love to shake a tail feather or two! This is definitely one of the examples future me can point to when I’m feeling down or anxious and I can say “You were nervous to go to your first dance class, but look how it turned out!”
Anyway, all of this go-go-go over the weekend has been a lot for me. Next weekend we’ve got another performance over in Kent so I’m trying to make the most of my downtime this week in order to make sure I don’t get overwhelmed or run out of social energy. It’s tempting to want to dive into work stuff in order to keep my anxieties at bay, but I know I need to remember to literally rest in order to keep things balanced. It’s a delicate ecosystem in this brain/body of mine and I’m not always the best at maintaining it!! So this morning I had a bath and then this afternoon I fell asleep playing video games on the sofa.
Right, that’s about it for today. Tomorrow I’ll work on some more mushroom heads for Halloween and I’ll spend time watering the indoor plants. See you then!