My sore throat is feeling better today. Last night I took some Night Nurse (the UK’s equivalent to NyQuil) and decided to sleep in the movie room just incase I got too hot sleeping next to Alex. I managed to sleep through most of the night but I did wake up around six this morning to have another shot of Night Nurse and that put me back to sleep for another six hours. After I got up I had a shot of Day Nurse and went downstairs but I was only down there for about an hour to water the plants before I climbed back up the stairs and went back to sleep. Rosemary came to cuddle me three different times, but I was too sleepy to pet him so he ended up leaving. By four in the afternoon I felt like I’d slept enough and had another shot of Day Nurse. Today’s been mostly congestion and fatigue, thankfully. Last night it felt like I was swallowing broken glass every time I took a sip of water. I’ve been monitoring my temperature all day and it’s stayed around 97F pretty consistently with it going up to 99F once after I had a cup of broth and felt sweaty. I had a body shower and that helped me feel a bit cooler, too. I haven’t been able to do much of anything other than watch videos and sleep. Hoping one more night with Night Nurse will be enough to get me feeling better for this weekend.