Not quite out of the woods yet with this cold, but I think we’re getting there. It seems like my throat is back to normal and now I’m just dealing with blocked sinuses and sneezing, so with any luck I’ll be able to knock this out pretty soon. I ran out of Night Nurse last night so Alex went to the pharmacy to get some more but they wouldn’t sell him any at our usual place because, apparently, Night Nurse affects my antidepressants! This is news to me, considering the fact that I’ve taken Night Nurse for years. Anyway, they sold him a nasal spray to unblock sinuses and then Alex ended up going to a different pharmacy and buying Night Nurse.
I’ve had more energy today, which is nice. I didn’t even have an afternoon nap! Instead, I tried on dresses for my Halloween themed birthday party that’s coming up at the start of October and I landed on the perfect one. I say “dresses” but in reality I tried on the same dress in two different sizes: my size and one size up. Initially I was unsure that the one in my size was the right fit for my chest but after trying on the size up I was surprised to see how big of a difference it made. The size up was longer and did a really poor job of holding my chest meat in place. So in the end I’ve decided to go with the dress that’s in my size and I’m glad I tried on the bigger size so I could see why! For my birthday/Halloween I’m dressing as a strawberry and now I’ve got the perfect dress for it!
Anyway, that’s really all that I have to report today. Crossing my fingers that tomorrow my sinuses are clearer!