The sun came out to play today so Alex and I took the opportunity to work more on the front garden. It really feels like the front garden is a never-ending project for us, but surely if we keep doing thirty minute bursts eventually we’ll finish it, right? The pile of crazy pavers in front of our short brick wall has gotten pretty big and there are still plenty more hidden among the weeds. I’ll have to take a look at the weather for this weekend and plan some days for us to more work. Alex worked on pulling up tree saplings that have self-seeded between the pavers and crocosmia, and I focused on moving the pavers out to the wall. At some point we’ll need to bag up all of the pavers and take them to the dump although I think we’ll wait until all of the pavers have been removed so we can do one trip.
Man, I really enjoyed getting out in the sunshine even if it was to do some yardwork! Tomorrow I have my first day with Bit by Bit by Sienna’s social media manager, followed by dance class in the evening. I’m nervous for my first day as a “boss”!! Luckily I’m really excited to work with the person I hired and I think things will be fine. Speaking of that, I actually need to do a little bit of planning tonight so I don’t feel too scatterbrained during my meeting. See you tomorrow!