The new radiator got installed today and it was super quick!! The guy was in and out in an hour and he didn’t even need to change the pipes! Really pleased with how that went, and I’m happy that we paid £105 to have that project finished off, despite being so close to finishing it ourselves.
After the plumber left I ended up getting the itch to do some reorganising in the office cupboard and the movie room. I spent a few hours going through boxes and consolidating a bunch of our house documents, photos, cards, and old tech into new homes and it turned out pretty good in the end. We’ve had these plastic MUJI storage drawers from when we used them in our closet at the flat and since we don’t use them for that purpose in this house they’ve kind of gotten shoved into the back of the cupboard with basically no use. I ended up moving a few of them onto some shelves in the movie room so we can use them for photos, cameras, and decorations. Plus it’s going to be so much easier to access them now that they’re out of the cupboard.
In the cupboard I put a little shelf on the battens that were already there, and that made it a lot easier to separate some of the bins holding old journals and documents. I think we could still optimise our storage space in various parts of the house but that would require planning and money, so once I made things look tidy enough I decided to call it there. I’m happy with what I was able to accomplish for a spur-of-the-moment rejig.
Tonight I had dance class and I was super pumped! I was hoping my finger/hand sprain would be better in time for class but I ended up wearing my wrist brace anyway just incase. We learned a really fun and quick routine for Missy Elliott’s banger: Lose Control. It got so tough at the end of the routine because there’s a knee spin, floor twerking, and the whole thing finishes with a jump into the splits!!! I don’t know how dancers have such durable kneecaps because my knees were in pain the minute they touched the floor and I really wished I had brought my knee pads to class. The knee spin was really scary at first because I was in pain before I even attempted it, and then the first few times really killed from all of the friction, but once we did the choreo to the tempo of the song and my knees were a little less sensitive (i.e. throbbing!) I was able to do it. Next week I’ll definitely bring my knee pads but for now I’m definitely going to want to ice my knees all evening to minimise swelling!!