Hey, I’m back.
I’ve been snapping pictures each day but I’d been procrastinating actually editing and uploading any of them, so that’s why the last ten or so days don’t have a journal entry.
So my mental health is getting better, which is great. Alex has been emailing therapists and scheduling appointments for me so hopefully I’ll find the right one soon enough. Actually, I was supposed to have a therapy session today but the therapist had to reschedule due to emergency dental surgery. It’s okay though because I’ve got a session booked with another therapist on Monday so next week I’ll have two sessions total.
Over the weekend I learned about some shit that happened in my childhood and it made me realise I have a lot of healing to do. It sounds so cheesy even writing that but it’s true. I’m really hoping that I’ll be able to talk about all of that baggage and trauma with a therapist soon!!
In other news, I’ve decided to wind things down with Bit by Bit by Sienna for now so I’ve discounted all of my stock and I’m having a “pre-hibernation sale” until December 1st. I’ve given notice on the lease for my studio and I’ll have the unit until the end of January next year, but I’m just done with candlemaking for now. I’ve never been good at sticking with a job that I don’t like and when I started feeling this way I came to this decision fairly quickly. I’m just not a salesperson!! I love making candles and I love designing everything for my business, but I don’t like marketing or selling or actually running a business. So I don’t know what’s in the future for Bit by Bit by Sienna and that’s okay.
Today’s been pretty good despite the last minute change of plans, though. The grey neighbour cat came around to say hi a few different times and I’m always glad to see him. I think that’s pretty much all I had to say so I’m going to end it here. See you tomorrow.