Author’s note: This journal entry was written on November 26th, 2022 however the photos are from the day itself.
I think I was putting off going to the studio but I knew I needed to start packing up stuff to move out of there. We drove over in the afternoon, taking the scenic route as per usual. This time of year when the leaves turn yellow and orange is one of my favourites for snapping pictures from the dashboard of the car. When we got to the studio I had an idea to use up as much wax, fragrance, and extra containers as I could to make candles for myself. I have so many fragrances that are already open so it would be a shame to let them go to waste when I move everything out of the studio and into my attic. It took ages for all of the wax to melt but in the end I made well over twenty candles. I did have one casualty when I knocked over a cup full of the rest of my Gingerbread Kiss fragrance oil, so that was a bummer. I’ll be okay though because I’ve definitely got enough candles to last me for a while. I don’t even care if the surface of the candles is ugly and warped like they have been in pretty much every batch I’ve made this year! After I poured the last batch of wax, we loaded the car up with plants, wax warmers, spare unopened wax, and various other things I want to keep but don’t need at the studio. It’s bittersweet, I’ll tell you that much.