Do you ever just find yourself in one of those moods where everything is getting on your nerves and you can’t help but nit-pick the tiniest details as you try to make sense of your emotions? It’s so difficult to understand my motivations on days like today because not only am I battling everyone around me but I am also simultaneously battling myself. It is frustrating and overall feels like a losing battle the more I push forward.
In addition to my sour mood, I am feeling a bit more under the weather than yesterday. So much so that I talked myself into sleeping in and asking my husband to pick up orange juice and chamomile tea. The tea actually really helps with my post-nasal drip (eugh, that’s gross even just typing it out!) but the real star of the show has been Sudafed for making it possible for me to breathe out of both nostrils! There’s nothing I hate more than waking up with congested nasal passages and a sore throat. Last year when I moved to England I got sick at least once a month, so hopefully I’m moving past my monthly illness routine. I used to only get sick once or twice a year but I would always get really ill. Honestly, I’d rather get back to that schedule! I’m so tired of catching colds like clockwork, especially since the NHS is pretty useless. Colds are just difficult to treat and I am so bored of the same symptoms.
Anyway, I wish I was in a better mood because the weather was really nice today and I bet I could have taken some great photos outside. But alas, I stayed indoors all day. Hopefully tomorrow brings better health and brighter weather. Even so, I’m sure I’ll make the most of it. See you tomorrow.