Man, the weekend kinda messed with my routine. If I recall correctly, I spent the majority of my time alternating between Productivity Mode and Couch Potato Mode, and now I feel totally conflicted. My head isn’t where it ought to be on a Monday and I’m going to do my best to reel it back in so I can make some real strides in my work this week.
With that being said, I did manage to get a little bit done today. I wrote, washed towels, made the bed, watched a film, went to the gym, purchased lip balm, and cuddled my cat. Oh, and I also took a look at the soil in my houseplants and was mortified to find little patches of mold around the roots! I swear, this flat is a nightmare for healthy indoor plants. A few months ago I found mold in the soil of my Sansevieria and resorted to removing the bulbs and chucking the entirety pot of soil, but I am just so annoyed that my newer plants have the same problem! I need a houseplant that is totally resistant to mold and is also super low maintenance, but I don’t really know if that exists? There were plenty of helpful links on Google for the issue so I’m going to try those out sometime soon before chucking these plants completely and getting artificial ones.
I’m super sleepy at the moment but I also feel a little bit guilty for not giving any attention to my interior design assignment that’s due in a few weeks. I’ve got to be careful not to give myself too much slack, otherwise I’ll totally forget I ever had a project to do in the first place! Since Tuesday is one of my more uneventful week days, I’m going to make a promise to myself that tomorrow I will work on my assignment before any other recreational activities. Wish me luck!