Our walls look so nice and summery now that we’ve finished painting! I’m obsessed with the peachy tones we chose for the living area because it actually feels very refreshing and warming, which is basically the complete opposite of the color that was there before. One thing we’ve both noticed since changing the color of the walls is that our light switches and plug sockets now look very grey in comparison so we may look into getting white ones in the near future to really complete the look.
The flat is in total chaos at the moment since we have so much stuff to put back onto the walls. I’ve decided we can live without living room curtains and get by with our blinds so I can think about the new curtains and curtain rod we’ll be getting to replace the old ones. It might also be a good idea to paint all of the picture frames so they fit better with the new color palette but that’s a pretty easy job.
I’m so exhausted from painting this weekend. We’ve been working on the flat since 9am so it’s no wonder my feet are killing me. I’ve got my appointment with the ear/nose/throat specialist early in the morning and I’m trying to wind down but there are just so many things to consider. Perhaps I would do best to jot down a list of things I want to do over the next week so I can better manage my time. When I get too stressed I tend to shut down completely, which isn’t the most helpful thing in the world when you’ve got a lot on your plate.
Anyway, I better go get some rest. I’ve taken some photos of the walls but since it’s nighttime the colors look incredibly different than they do during the day. I’m excited to redecorate a little bit once I’ve got the time (and the money) so I’ll be sure to share more photos as it happens. See you tomorrow!