Payday is probably the best day of the whole month. It’s like I can finally breathe again, you know? I don’t have to worry as much because I know that I can get groceries for dinner that are more than just a can of beans and a cup of rice.
In other news, our toilet is finally fixed! The plumber came around today and ended up switching the pipe that had a total of 5 joining pieces and was completely inaccessible without a specific wrench, to one that only has two — one at the top and one at the bottom — and is much more flexible and easy to access. He also had a look at our leaky shower and it looks like our issue doesn’t have to do with a serviceable part of the tap so we may have to eventually replace it. On the whole, the dude was really nice and I’m just glad to have our toilet back to normal. He also recommended we get some natural stone sealer for our bathroom tiles so that’s another thing we’ve got to get ASAP! It’s astonishing how awful the developers of this building were and it’s very annoying to have to deal with it all after the fact.
Dinner tonight was very nice. We had a mexican flavored vegetarian butternut squash lasagne (it tasted amazing) with a lovely salad and a few glasses of Pimm’s. My husband got a raise so I figured we were well overdue for a bit of a celebration! Hopefully now we’ll have a little more wiggle room when it comes to budgeting and saving and indulging, but really I’m just so proud of him for doing such a bang-up job.
I started on my next module (soft furnishings) this morning and I was a little annoyed to find that the slideshow didn’t have any titles in the navigation so I have no idea how long the content is. I was on about the 50th slide about curtains when I just had to give myself a rest. At some point it all just starts sounding the same, but oh well. I’ll have to pick it back up tomorrow and get on with it. I’ve only got a few more modules before I finish the course so hopefully that’s enough encouragement to get me going.