Happy birthday to me! I turned twenty-five today, can you believe it? I most certainly can! Birthdays haven’t always been the best for me, but I can happily say that turning twenty-five has been pretty great. I know I got pretty sappy last night about feeling super confident, and while that’s all still very much true, I think I’d rather touch on a few things I hope I am able to accomplish as a twenty-five year old.
- Get my act together, and by “together” I really mean just take myself more seriously. I’ve got a lot of skills so it’s about time I start valuing what I can bring to the table.
- Make a career move! Doesn’t matter if it’s successful or not, but I need to get on it already.
- Listen more and offer advice when it’s solicited.
- Make time for myself and use it to my benefit.
- Learn how to work with my stressors rather than against them.
I’m sure there are plenty more things I would like to do over the next year, but those five seem like the most poignant to me at the moment.
Today I spent my birthday with my husband, and the whole day started off reading birthday cards and opening presents in bed so it couldn’t get much better than that (or so I thought). We had originally planned to head out around noon, although I decided to spend a good chunk of time doing my makeup and singing along to Hilary Duff. By the time we made it out the door it was drizzly and overcast, which only made me want to go shopping more if I’m being totally honest. Anyway, so we made it to the shops and I got some great outfits from Primark, as well as a ton of Halloween decorations from TK Maxx (the UK version of TJ Maxx, incase you were wondering).
Our shopping spree was almost cut short because we had to catch the last showing of Kubo and the Two Strings, so we made our way back to the car to drop off our stuff and then made a bee line for the cinema. The film was extraordinary, by the way. I cried, I laughed, and I was in awe. I’m so glad we were able to see it at the cinema and on my birthday, no less! After that, we drove home and ordered a couple of pizzas and watched The Craft before having cake. So… Yeah, my twenty-fifth birthday has been really good!