In the eight months since completing my 2016 photo journal I’ve been through a lot, but I’ll save those details for a later post. This year has been pretty difficult and I’ve really missed having a creative outlet to turn to on a daily basis, so essentially that’s why I’m back after all of these months!
Anyway, let’s do a little check in, shall we?
Today I woke up thirty minutes before I needed to leave for therapy, and to say that I was feeling low would be a complete understatement. Yesterday was a low point for me so I was eager to talk with my therapist and figure out a plan of action. I’ve been seeing this therapist for a little over a month now and I feel like I’m finally getting a better understanding when it comes to the role anxiety and depression play in my daily life. In therapy we mapped out some ways I can add structure to my days, one of which is this photo journal. In addition to keeping a photo journal, I’ve also set myself a few goals throughout the week, such as going for a walk in the afternoon on Tuesdays and also going to the gym three times a week. Hopefully all of this will help me get out of the rut I’ve been in for quite some time, so I feel optimistic about it all.
In all honesty, I’m a little nervous to be back, although I’d be lying if I said I didn’t miss having a photo journal.
Other than therapy, I managed to bake a coffee cake this afternoon and it turned out really well! We brought it with us when went over to the in-laws for dinner tonight and the cake went down an absolute treat.
Anyway, I’m going to leave it at that. I’ll also include some more photos from earlier this month, so enjoy!