Forming a Routine

So something I’ve noticed has been lacking from my daily life since quitting my short-lived stint in a full-time position (more on that in a later post, I’m sure) has been a routine. I’ve gotten past the point of enjoying my new freedom and now I’m just super bored. One of my assignments my therapist has tasked me to do is to create a routine for myself, and honestly I am so glad she recommended it because I needed it.

Today was my first day with the new routine and I think I hit it out of the park, despite the mid-afternoon nap I took. My motivation to get even the most basic of things done has been pretty subpar recently, but today has felt like a step in the right direction. I woke up at 9AM, I took care of watering the plants, and I even managed to go to the gym on time! I feel really glad that I managed to tick those things off of my list, especially since I now feel like I’m working toward something during the day.

In other news, this afternoon I confronted a friend about them ghosting me. Without getting into the details of it, we hadn’t talked in months and then I noticed that they had unfollowed me and I felt a little hurt. So rather than let all of the negative thoughts about me being a bad friend fill my mind, I just sent a text message and decided to seek the truth, even if I was worried about the outcome. In the end, it wasn’t anything to do with me and just the fact that we hadn’t talked in ages! I feel so glad that I got that closure and honestly it’s fine that the friendship didn’t last because that just means we can each move on without any hard feelings. It was probably the best friend breakup I’ve ever had, hah!

forming a routine