Penicillin for Days

Isn’t it funny how I spent most of 2015 falling in and out of colds every six weeks and not a single doctor prescribed me antibiotics for my symptoms? Today my husband booked an appointment for me at the local NHS clinic so I rolled out of bed and shuffled over there to make sure I wouldn’t come away empty handed. In my experience with the NHS (in our town, at least!) the doctors seem very quick to dismiss symptoms and they always make it seem like your illness isn’t as much an issue as you say it is. For instance, in yesterday’s post I went on a little tangent about being diagnosed for allergies, when really I believe the doctor was just trying to get me on my way. While I sat in the waiting room I saw a sign that discouraged patients from telling the doctor more than one thing since appointments are only ten minutes long. Needless to say, I didn’t have very high hopes

Despite my apprehensions, I used my past experiences with this clinic to form a swift plan of action. When I was finally called through, I told my doctor I wanted to see an Ear/Nose/Throat specialist about how I get sick every six weeks, how my right nostril gets congested, the persistent tonsil stones at the back of my throat, and I added in the fact that I always have a swollen gland in my neck. Luckily, as I was telling him all of my issues and explaining my history, the doctor actually seemed concerned. I know, I know. It does seem weird that I picked up on that, because normally you would hope that your doctor would be concerned for your well-being. Unfortunately, some of the other doctors I’ve had in the last few years don’t seem to believe a word I’m saying. One time in America, a doctor completely dismissed the pain in my ear despite my history of ear infections because he couldn’t see any scarring on my ear drum. So, yeah. I’m a little bit pessimistic when it comes to going to a doctor and actually receiving help.

Anyway, the doctor was shocked to learn that I hadn’t been prescribed any antibiotics in the last year. He even said that I tick all of the boxes for a bacterial infection and that if this issue isn’t made better after this dose of meds that he can refer me to a specialist. Another thing he said is that I should do some research on tonsillectomies and see if that’s something I may want to consider. He gave me a prescription for penicillin and sent me on my way, but at least I didn’t feel like I wasn’t been taken seriously.

Personally, I think I need to get a tonsillectomy in order to feel like this issue is over and done with. I found out about tonsillectomies about six weeks ago when I was looking into possible explanations for my persistent illness. My brother had a tonsillectomy a while back and when I brought up the possibility of getting one to my mom she totally flipped her lid and jumped to the worst case scenario. Maybe now that I’ve got a doctor who appears to be on my side with this issue I’ll be able to convince her that this is something that is really worth me doing so that I can be healthy and not worry about when I’ll next fall ill.

For now, I’ve got to take eight tablets of penicillin a day for the next ten days and then go from there. Honestly, I just want this to be over with. I’m so tired of feeling crummy. Wish me luck!

day 92 penicillin for days