No matter how many apples I eat or water I drink, I can’t seem to go longer than six weeks before coming down with a cold. I probably hate being sick just as much as anyone else, but for some reason I just cannot accept that this recurring cold is nothing more than a seasonal bug! Last year I was ill for at least some part of every month and even when I went to the NHS they tried to tell me it was just allergies. Come on, allergies? I know I’m new to living in England but I have never had allergies in my whole life.
My colds usually start with a tickle at the back of the throat, followed by congestion in my right nostril (it is always the right nostril). Yesterday after I got back from the gym I began to feel the onset of a cold and I asked my husband when the last time I got ill was and, that’s correct, it was six weeks ago. The last time I got sick I swore that if I got sick in another six weeks I would go see an Ear/Nose/Throat specialist because this is clearly more than just “allergies” or the common cold. I have a sneaking suspicion that my tonsils aren’t doing their job at keeping my immune system up and running, and I also have my suspicions about a deviated septum being the cause behind this regular nasal congestion.
I don’t like being sick, especially since I can’t get ahold of NyQuil and Robitussin to help me fight whatever’s bogging me down. Hopefully I can get an appointment to see a doctor and then get a referral for a specialist soon because I’m determined not to be sick more than four times this year.