Happy Monday, folks! My day has been pretty good, I have to admit. I went to the gym this afternoon and right at the start of my workout the power went out in the whole building so I ended up leaving and going to the park to finish off. It’s really weird working out outside but at least I made the best of a crappy situation! It was nice to get some fresh air and shake things up a bit, although I do feel that I could have done more if I’d finished my workout at the gym.
Tonight we did a massive food shop for the week and we’re both pretty shocked at how much we spent. To be fair, we really needed to restock on some essential spices and household stuff like batteries (which are actually super expensive). For the last month or so we’ve been trying to wrangle our grocery shops to once a week and it’s been working out really well, actually. We pretty much just make a couple of huge chilis a month and that’ll usually sort our lunches for at least ten days at a time, haha.
This week we’re going to IKEA to finally get the pieces for our media unit, and I’m really looking forward to it! It’s been so long since we last went and I can’t wait to finally complete our wall cabinets in the dining area. I’m sure we’ll end up buying a few random bits here and there but honestly I think that’s fine. The only thing is that we need to make sure we leave ourselves enough money to buy food and drinks for our Halloween party at the end of the month, so as long as we leave about a hundred pounds for that we should be golden.
Anyway, that’s it for today! Day two of my video-every-day-in-October-project is now up, so check it out below and I’ll see you tomorrow!