Election Nerves and a New Phone Case

It’s election day in America right now, and BOY have I felt nervous all day. Sure, I may live in England now but I know I’m not the only person keeping an eye on the 2016 US Presidential election and hoping for the best. With that being said, I won’t know who the next president is until something like four in the morning (timezones, eh?) so instead I’m going to fill you in on the rest of my day!

Like I mentioned in my journal entry from yesterday, I wanted to get some writing done and I’m pleased to say that I have made good on that promise. My word count now sits just over sixteen thousand, which means I’m three thousand words ahead of schedule! I do love a good head start! I think going to a coffee shop and forcing myself to do nothing but drink lattes and write really helped me focus and I can definitely see myself using this tactic at least a few times each week to keep things moving along. I’m finding the story is coming out a lot darker than last year’s so that’s an interesting development. I’m still working on weaving in all of the various plot points, though, so it’s a ways to go before it’s finished.

Oh, and remember how I dropped my phone in the toilet last week? Well we’ve had it resting in a bag of rice for the last week (literally) and since then my husband has graciously given me his phone while he has been resorting back to his iPhone 4s. Last night we ordered some new phone cases and they came today so that now my “new” phone actually feels like it’s mine, and his “new” phone feels like his. He’s keeping my 6s, which seems to be working fine apart from the screen being the tiniest bit darker than it ought to be. I think we’re both really glad the phone isn’t totally ruined. Let this be a lesson to anyone who drops their phone into a toilet: turn it off and leave it in a bag of rice for a week or more. It might come back to life!

Anyway, I’m going to wrap up this journal entry and return to worrying about the election. See you tomorrow!

day 312 election nerves and a new phone case