The meetings I had in London today went very well, especially considering the fact that I didn’t get much sleep last night. In fact, this morning I felt very drained but I managed to pull it together in time to catch my train. Who knew drinking four glasses of water, one glass of orange juice, and a cup of coffee could be such a good fix for a lack of sleep! Seriously though, I’m glad my consultation and follow up meeting went so well because I’m really excited to start working on both of these projects!
Both of the meetings I had today were with my sisters-in-law so it was also a great opportunity to play catch up and hear about what they’ve been up to since I last saw them. I think we’re planning on doing Thanksgiving dinner with the family next Friday, although I don’t know if the date is set in stone just yet. Last year when we had Thanksgiving it was just me, my husband, his parents, and Mary so it’ll be really great to introduce the rest of my husband’s family to one of my favorite holidays, even if it they have no cultural ties to it.
But anyway, I’m exhausted and I really need to take my makeup off so I can crawl into bed. I hope I’m able to crack out a big portion of my novel tomorrow because I’m just barely skirting by with my word count at the moment. Hopefully I don’t get too distracted during the day. See you tomorrow!