Man, nothing motivates me to get stuff done than the prospect of playing The Sims 4! I caved and bought the City Living expansion pack last night. I know, I know. I just wrote about waiting until December to get it, but you know what? I think I deserved it! Okay but seriously, I’ve just really missed playing The Sims 4 and the new expansion pack has so many cool features that I couldn’t resist!
Anyway, besides playing The Sims 4 all day, I did manage to do a bit of work as well. I drew up a letter of agreement and I even went to the gym on time for a change! I know, it’s a shock to me, too! Ever since I got sick at the beginning of the month I’ve been having a hard time getting back in the zone, plus I think I’ve just been having trouble dealing with seasonal affective disorder. But today I braved the freezing afternoon weather to hit up the gym and I feel really good about going. It was a tough workout which means I’ll probably be feeling sore tomorrow but it was worth it.
I’ve been trying to think of the things I want/need, mostly because there are so many sales on at the moment that it’s making me wrack my brain trying to remember what I want to get, so here’s a list off the top of my head:
- A wool coat that cinches in at the waist and doesn’t have a zipper. Preferably in black.
- A workout shirt that is a size smaller than the one I have currently.
- A structured bag/satchel that can fit my laptop and be worn cross-body.
- Fuzzy slippers that don’t look terrible or like a reindeer threw up on them.
- More cardigans with pockets.
- Gloves that have touch-screen fingers.
- Bath bombs and/or bubble bars from Lush.
- Candles and diffusers in citrusy scents.
- Body lotion that smells amazing.
- A desk chair from IKEA.
- Shelves for the bedroom.
- A drill, plus a spirit level.
- Giftcards to IKEA or Zara Home, or even TK Maxx.
Now that I read back this list, I don’t know if I’ll actually get any of it for myself, but at least I’ve got it all in one place!
Anyway, I’m going to go get ready for bed and see if I can convince my husband to stay up and watch another episode of Gilmore Girls. See you tomorrow!