It has gotten so cold in the last two days and at one point this afternoon it even went to -2ºC! When I left for the gym I was surprised to see a ton of grit salt sprinkled across the driveway in front of our building, and at first I thought it was snow. By the church in town the grass was still frosty and there was a bit of snow in some patches, so here’s to hoping we’ll get some real snow soon!
I’ve always wanted to spend Christmas playing in the snow, and everyone’s saying it’s going to be a cold winter so maybe it’ll actually happen this year. Either way, I still don’t think I have enough warm clothing for this cold snap. I finally had to bust out my old green coat because my newer one just doesn’t cut it. At least oversized coats are sort of trendy and “in” this season, so let’s just pretend that I’m wearing a very large coat because it looks fashionable and not because I can’t seem to find a coat that is better than this one.
Speaking of warm clothing, I think I need a few new jumpers and cardigans and maybe a few tops, too. I’m not a huge fan of layering but it’s kind of necessary when the weather is this cold. Perhaps I’ll be able to find some nice clothes when we do some shopping later this week when we go into town to see Moana.
Anyway, it’s cold and I’m sleepy so I’m going to end this journal entry here with plenty of photos of the cats snoozing on the heated bathroom floor.