What was supposed to be a simple day of sending out parcels and making a quick trip to Kingston turned into a whole day of running errands with my husband, but don’t worry because I had a lot of fun. We don’t go to Kingston much these days, mostly because we’ve found our groove with going to Guildford instead. Today we had to make an exception because we needed to pick up our rings from the jewelers and also go to the Apple store.
Before we could even head toward Kingston, we needed to buy stamps and bubble mailers so we could send parcels and holiday cards out. This year we’re spending Christmas in England, and since I won’t be seeing my family for the holidays I wanted to make sure they got a little something from us to let them know we miss them. We also mailed twenty-two holiday cards to friends and family, and we even dropped off a few to our neighbors, so in total I think we sent out twenty-eight cards! It was actually really satisfying to drop the lot of cards into the mailbox this morning and know that I won’t have to fill out any more for another year, haha.
Anyway, once we finally made it to Kingston we queued up at the Apple store to find out some information about replacing the battery in my husband’s phone (i.e. my old phone that fell in the toilet!) because it kept dying at a 50% charge. Long story short, we had to kill some time in Kingston so we picked up our rings from the jeweler, got a bit of veggie sushi from Itsu and then went to see a movie, and by the end of it all we found out that we’ll have to go back to Kingston in a week to have the new battery put in!
It was nice spending the day running around and doing errands together, and I’m glad we were able to send out the parcels and cards before it got too late. Hopefully the parcels make it to my family in time for the holidays! Anyway, I’m going to wrap this up and head off to bed. See you tomorrow!