I’ve never had a record player, and yet somehow I ended up collecting a few vinyls over the years. Granted, they are all by fun. but at least they’re good albums! So after much deliberation and a growing stack of yet-to-be-played records, we finally got a record player and I am so glad that we did.
Many months ago I came across this particular record player and immediately fell in love with the geometric pattern and the brass details. Last week we were trying to figure out what we wanted to get each other for Christmas and after coming to the conclusion that we couldn’t think of anything that we really wanted, I had the bright idea to get the record player! It was a bit of an investment but honestly it fits so well with our color scheme that it seems like we’ve had it for ages.
Aside from listening to music with our new record player, I’ve spent the day working on concept boards! I’m actually really impressed with how well they came out and I can’t wait to show them off in January at the next meeting with my clients. I’m excited to hear their feedback and see what they think about the overall concept, it’s just a shame that the holidays have gotten in the way otherwise I would try to set up a meeting for next week! Regardless, the concept boards are done so now I have the rest of the month to enjoy the holidays.
Today has been really productive for me and I’ve actually found it quite difficult to waste time online which is quite unusual for me. I’ve basically just been scouring the internet for design inspiration all day long, so I can’t really complain, now can I? Anyway, that’s all I’ve got for today! I’m going to go help fold laundry and head off to bed. See you tomorrow!