Feeling Exhausted and Missing My Family

I’ve been feeling so exhausted the last few days that I’m beginning to ask myself: is Seasonal Affective Disorder kicking in or am I just tired? Truthfully, I’ve exerted myself quite a bit this past week so I’m sure I could come up with a number of reasons that support my fatigue, but I don’t think it’s fair to rule out S.A.D. completely. Well, not yet, anyway.

In lieu of feeling exhausted, I did manage to hobble over to the gym this afternoon for a small workout. I don’t want to be too hard on myself for doing less than I’m used to, especially since I’m still recovering from my knee injury, although a part of me still feels like I could have done more. I’m sure I’m only feeling this way since I know it’s going to be a while until I get back to the gym, and it certainly doesn’t help my mental state knowing that I’m bound to overeat at least a little over the next few days. Nonetheless, I’m proud of myself for going to the gym and getting in a workout! I could have just as easily stayed home and played The Sims 4 for an extra hour, but instead I made the effort to build my muscles instead of houses.

Today I got to FaceTime with my mom for a bit and every time I talk to her I’m instantly reminded of how much I miss hanging out with her and the rest of my family. It was good to catch up and hear the latest developments in her life. This Christmas my mom has ordered us stuff off of Amazon (because shipping is expensive!) so I’ve received a new package every day this week. I still haven’t been able to get a definitive answer out of her about whether or not any more packages are on their way, but I’m just so surprised that she’s sent us so many!

I’m feeling very sleepy tonight but I wouldn’t say no to watching a Christmas movie before bed. The real dilemma is choosing between Home Alone and Elf, so I’ll see you tomorrow!

day 358 feeling exhausted and missing my family