It’s been a looooong day and I am ready to slither into bed. Waking up at 6AM the last few days has finally made me exhausted. It’s a good thing that I’m so eager to go to bed because hopefully that will mean I can get an early night in before we head to the airport tomorrow morning.
We had our pre-flight COVID tests this afternoon and thankfully we tested negative, so we’re all cleared to go ahead. There were some unexpected issues with our boarding passes that turned into an hour long back-and-forth with the airlines until they finally assured us that Alex will be okay to have “Alex” instead of “Alexander”. Honestly by the time Alex got off the phone with the airlines I was already too tired to give a damn. I figure we’ll deal with whatever comes our way tomorrow, so it’s best to deal with what we can only deal with today, you know?
I mentioned in a previous journal entry but it definitely bears repeating now: since we’ll be in Vegas, my journal entries will be published at a later time each day. I definitely intend on daily entries, but I wouldn’t be surprised if I have a late post or two and have to change the date on the URL after the fact. I’m so curious to see what my posts are like during this trip, and the photos!! I hope my future self is happy with everything!
Anyway, I’m exhausted so I’m going to wrap up this journal entry and finish off the last minute things I need to do before hitting the hay for the night. See you tomorrow… In VEGAS!