Digging for Worms

I finally finished my journal entry for the BTS concert last week!! It’s basically a novel, but I like to think that I was pretty thorough with my retelling of the show so hopefully that’s enough incentive to give it a look. Plus there are tons and tons of photos and videos. I’ve still got a couple more journal entries to write for the rest of the Las Vegas trip so I’m hoping I’ll be able to get those out sometime this week.

In other news, today has been fairly productive. I woke up feeling a lot less ill so Alex and I drove over to the studio to package up candle orders and do some admin. It’s been a little while since I last made it over to the studio and it felt good to be back. I’ve come up with a new candle scent, too, so that’s always exciting!

When we got to the studio I noticed one of the cuttings from my rhipsalis hanging plant had put out roots so I brought it home to pot it up. One cool thing about having our own garden is that we’ve got enough space to have our own compost bin. It was one of the first things we did as soon as we moved in and now that we’ve been here for almost three years the compost pretty much takes care of itself. I’ll be honest, I’m still not totally sure how people get their compost out of the bin once it’s ready. Ours has a small plastic “door” that is held in place by some plastic notches, but removing the compost has still been a very messy ordeal. The other day I shoveled out a bunch of the compost and set it aside in some buckets until I was ready to handle it. Today, now that I had a newly propagated plant, I had to sort out the worms.

Again, I don’t really know what I’m doing with the compost itself, but I know that compost is great for gardening. I’ve got a lot of indoor plants that need repotting this year and I’m intending on using my homemade compost to do it! That being said, what do you do about all the worms?? I decided it would probably be a good idea to try and take out as many as I can before I turn the compost into potting soil, so I spent about a half hour today digging through buckets of compost looking for worms. I actually managed to get a bunch of them and set them aside, and as for the rest of the compost I ended up mixing in some store-bought compost as well as perlite to help with drainage. Crossing my fingers the rhipsalis propagation turns out okay!

After that, I hauled out my old snail tank that hasn’t been in use since I neglected it when we moved into this house a few years ago. I gave it a scrub and then dumped the worms and some of the compost into the tank before topping it with flattened egg cartons and thin cardboard. I’m hoping we’ll be able to have a little indoor wormery! I’ve tucked the tank back in its usual spot which is normally pretty dark, and I also put a bit of red cabbage on top so we could see how long it takes the worms to get through that before adding any more food waste.

Tomorrow I’m meeting up with one of my friends from dance class to grab a coffee and have a catch-up, and I’m also hoping to hear back from the person I’m interested in hiring for the social media manager role for my business. I already feel like it’s going to be quite a busy day, which does make me a little nervous, but I think it’ll be a good one regardless.