Well hello again! It’s been another chill day for me. I had a nice chat with my older brother last night about everything from buying houses to switching careers. It feels good to be able to have these earnest talks especially when I can actually offer advice! Right now I kind of feel, I guess, unimpressive when I talk about what I do for a living. I reckon I’ll feel differently in a couple months when I’ve got more going on with my business so I’m going to gently remind myself not to measure my worth against someone else’s accomplishments.
Tomorrow I’m expecting a delivery of fragrances so I can make some candles this weekend, and then in the evening I’m planning on returning to dance class. It feels like it’s been so long since the last time I went, too! I’m, like, totally itching to do a bit of dancing and learn some new choreography, too. I don’t really have anything else I want to write about today so I’ll see you tomorrow!