Man, it is so nice waking up in my own bed after a few nights away! Just the comfort of knowing that the cats are around the house is enough to help me feel right at home. I even woke up with Dolores curled up in my leg “boat”.
It’s been a real scorcher today and we haven’t done much of anything. We got the hose out and watered the back garden, so that was a bit of fun. I should probably water the garden more this week since it’s supposed to be quite hot. The ground is so dry and solid right now that it really does need all the water it can get.
Oh and speaking of the garden, I noticed that the new rose in the front garden is actually more of an orange-red colour instead of just all red, so that was a nice surprise! And in the back garden I found some ladybugs on one of the brambles as well as quite a few unripened berries. I’m excited to see them grow so hopefully a hungry hedgehog or hungry birds don’t eat them all beforehand.
Tonight we’re going to watch a thriller and have some popcorn and then in the morning I’ve got to be up early for my next ~weigh-in~ which I’m not looking forward to. I’m sure it won’t be horrible but the mere fact that it’s at ten in the morning is enough to make me not want to go at all. But that’s a later-me problem. For now I’m going to keep this journal entry short. See you tomorrow!